StreetBoxPHL is launching an online learning forum and building a constituency of ROW stewards.
What are the Right Of Way Roundtables (ROW)?
Each Roundtable will be an open forum for learning about Right of Way(ROW) innovations, opportunities, and discussing ongoing challenges. Throughout this series there will be guest speakers and community leaders who will provide greater insight and information and present real world case studies on all. All are welcome to participate and be part of the Roundtable.
Register at:
When and where will ROW Roundtables be held?
Each roundtable discussion will be held virtually & monthly via zoom and will be focused on a particular theme.
Who can attend a ROW Roundtable?
All are welcome but primarily Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that are currently implementing or interested in implementing ROW improvements or hosting events. Participants will be invited to share their experiences and will be provided with information to connect to different services and resources.
How can I or my organization get involved?
The best way to get involved is to join us at one of our ROW roundtables. StreetBoxPHL is always actively recruiting potential stewards from: Citizen Planning Institute graduates, current and past Pedestrian Enhancement Permit holders, Streetery Operators, RCO’s, and NAC’s, as well CDC, BID, and Special Services District Staff.