StreetBoxPHL supports the Philadelphia ROW Reform Coalition. 

The Coalition

  • Educates citizens and lawmakers about how different review regimes, regulations, and support, can enhance equitable community-led ROW stewardship
  • Builds programmatic and capital support from Funders and Officials for community-based ROW stewards

The Coalition brings together organizations, businesses, and individuals who have an interest or stake in improving and activating the public Right-Of-Way (ROW) city-wide. Coalition members include design professionals, and advocates who have championed placemaking within the ROW and the community stewards that maintain them. The Coalition meets quarterly to coordinate efforts to educate decision makers, support community members and the ROW Roundtable.

ROW Roundtable

The Roundtable is an open forum for learning about ROW innovations and opportunities and will provide a venue for discussing ongoing challenges. Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that are currently implementing or interested in implementing ROW improvements or hosting events are invited to join. Roundtable convenings are held quarterly and often focused on a particular theme. Guest speakers provide information or present case studies. Participants are invited to learn from each other and collaborate. Email to find out more.

ROW Reform Agenda

Reforming the ROW requires both legislative and administrative actions by Philadelphia’s City Council and the Mayoral Administration. Some of the measures described below are best accomplished legislatively, changing or modifying existing ordinances and / or code. Others are administrative in nature. No matter what the method, the results should mean that Citizen stewards of the ROW have:

  • their administrative burden reduced
  • their technical burden reduced
  • increased predictability and support

Read the Row Reform Agenda